Testing with the OpenTransact ACH Sandbox

ACH Test scenarios:

Successful Account Number

All transactions that don’t match one of the failure criteria below will trigger the system to return a successful result.

Bad Routing Number

Confirm that your application can handle a user entering a bad routing number. You can mitigate this issue by using our Banks endpoint to confirm user entry prior to creating an account.

Non USD transaction

All transactions on the ACH network are denominated in the US dollar. Confirm your application’s behavior either prevents non-USD payments entirely from being entered as debits or credits against bank accounts, or handle the specific error when it may occur.

Incorrect Precision

ACH transaction amounts must be denominated in dollar and cents only, so only a precision of 2 is supported for transactions you wish to process on the ACH network. Confirm the application’s behavior either prevents entry of transactions with a precision other than 2 or handles the error appropriately where it occurs.

Return Generating Account Numbers

ACH Transactions may be returned in the future due to a variety of reasons. You can simulate ACH returns via the MockACHGateway by entering transactions against accounts with the following info:

Routing Number: 021000021 Account Number: any valid account number starting with 4000 and ending in the 2 digit return code you wish to trigger.

Ex: 021000021 400087802 will generate a R02 Account Closed return.

Returns will be generated after the processing of a matching transaction.

Notification of Change Generating Account Numbers

ACH Transactions may trigger what is called a notification of change due to a variety of reasons. You can simulate ACH notification of change by entering transactions against accounts with the following info:

Routing Number: 021000021 Account Number: any valid account number starting with 5000 and ending in the 2 digit NOC code you wish to trigger.

Ex: 021000021 500087802 will generate a C02 Incorrect transit/routing number notification of change.

Notification of Changes will be generated after the processing of a matching transaction.

Test Checklist

  • Enter successful transactions
  • Entering an account with a bad routing number, confirm your system prevents it or handles the error
  • Confirm your system prevents entering non USD transactions against bank accounts, or handles error correctly
  • Confirm your system prevents entering of transactions with a precision other than 2, or handles error correctly
  • Enter a transaction which will be returned
  • Enter a transaction which will trigger a notificatin of change